Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Kidney friendly diet

Kidneys, one of the most important organs of our body, serve as a natural filter of the blood making, essential to keep healthy.

Everyone is familiar with heart diseases, kinds of cancer, stroke, diabetes, high blood pressure and their outcome, but not many realize that with the change in lifestyle and food habits, kidney diseases too have increased. But, awareness about proper nutrient food and healthy eating plan needed for kidney can help in keeping it away.

There are few nutrients which if taken in right balance can reduce the chances of renal problems like food low in sodium, potassium and phosphorous etc.

Including some of the kidney friendly food in your daily diet can help you to maintain a good and healthy kidney. Some of the kidney friendly food which includes vegetables, fruits, oils and non vegetarian items are:


Cabbage: It is high in Vitamin K, Vitamin C and fiber which prevent or stop cancer cell growth in lung, colon, breast, prostate and ovarian cancers.

Cauliflower: High in Vitamin C and a good source of folate and fiber. It helps the liver neutralize toxic substances that could damage cell membranes and DNA.

Garlic: Helps prevent plaque on the teeth, lowers cholesterol and reduces inflammation.

Onion: A powerful antioxidant that works to reduce heart disease and is low in potassium. A good source of chromium (mineral that helps with carbohydrate, fat and protein metabolism).

Spinach: It is a rich source of Vitamin C, Vitamin A, E, K, protein etc. which again helps in keeping the kidney healthy.