Friday, July 2, 2010

How To Get Your Head In the

Weight Loss Game

So why do you want to lose weight in the 1st place? To improve your looks, your health, your self image, to win a bet, get a new job, impress old class mates at a reunion? The list of possibilities is virtually endless, but it comes down to and starts with this:

WHAT IS YOUR WHY? In other words why do you want to lose weight? Well that's a silly question - just about everyone in America wants to lose weight. Possibly.........but what is YOUR reason?

Why is 'the why' important? Because knowing the why is your whole motivation for doing this thing in the first place. It is what will keep you doing the right things in order to lose pounds - even when you don't fee like it. It is what will give you 'the will power' to resist temptation to cheat on your diet/exercise program.

That is also the reason that your 'why' must come from inside you! Not your spouse, parent, friend, or And it needs to be a clear and strong why, not some casual, spur of the moment idea.

Let me give you a personal example. My wife had been dropping hints about the fact that I needed to lose weight, and she tried to keep it as 'non-scolding' as she could - for a long time. It wasn't until one night when she started crying and telling me that I was basically turning into an invalid with high blood pressure, on my way to a heart attack and that she did not want me to die, that I finally did some soul searching.

Needless to say that time of soul searching produced a list of six solid reasons - my reasons for losing weight. And because they were and are MY reasons, they kept me motivated to stay on track - even when cobody else was around to see or check up on me.

So I started. My clothes got looser, and then began to actually fit instead of looking or feeling like I was squeezed into them. At that point when I would be tempted to re-visit a favorite Chinese buffet, I would see her with tears in her eyes, and I would recall what I wanted to look like. The combination of those two images were enough to keep me 'on the program'.

Let me ask you again. Why do you want to lose weight? If you really are over weight, you should be able to come up with at least 3 good 'whys'. What great things will happen when you succeed? What terrible things will happen if you don't? Get very clear on both.

Here is the deal...when your 'why' is big enough, the 'how' will follow. So here is to YOUR big why and your ultimate success.


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