Monday, July 19, 2010

Why Does Nutrition Play Such A

Big Part In Training?

Today I'm going to answer a couple of the most common questions I hear regarding nutrition and diet. Question number one is “Why does nutrition play a big part in fat loss when training?”

I would say that question is about as akin to asking, “Why does breathing play a big role in life?” Take a look at it from a stock car or race car perspective. Nutrition is fuel and you need to be feeding a machine right in order for it to operate correctly and things always work better when your body is operating correctly. That includes both gaining muscle and burning fat.

Aside from everything working properly being the most efficient way to achieve anything that you want to do with your body, you have to know what you’re taking in as far as nutrition goes, so that you know if you’re in a deficit or a surplus, because your calories are going in and if you take in more than you need for the activity level that you have, you’re going to store it as fat and that’s the end of the discussion on that.

If you take in less calories to a point without shutting everything down and going into a catabolic mode, if you take in less calories you’re going to start losing weight. Proper nutrition besides the deficit that you create will also help you maintain your mean muscle so that you don’t end up just losing weight and being a "skinny fat" person, but that you end up just ripping off a higher percentage of fat in that weight loss and not muscle tissue as well.

Why does nutrition play a big role in fat loss training? It just does, it is as important or more important than your training.

While we're here with nutrition and diet, another common question is, “What’s the best way to get big muscles and toned without getting all fat in the belly? “ You can see that the question is somewhat similar.

In this case you’re trying to achieve two somewhat separate goals and it’s not impossible, but you’re not going to go into the most optimized role for either. Usually it’s not impossible to put on some muscle while you’re getting ripped, but it is difficult and you really have to mind your Ps and Qs and have everything spot on.

I feel that the best way to go about this is to make sure that your training doesn’t get too fast paced and lighter, because you really want to keep pushing the big weights or using really difficult body weight exercises while you’re cutting calories or you will start to get small and if you speed up your training too much, it’s going to impede you from lifting heavy.

You don’t need that much of a surplus in your calories to start putting on weight; it’s just finding that spot where you are in a surplus and not going too far over. What happens when most people try to put on muscle is they just eat everything in sight and so they go way over their totals and they start putting on belly fat really fast.

Muscle gain by nature is a fairly slow process compared to how quickly the fat can come on, so you need to realize that a couple of pounds of muscle a month is an outstanding accomplishment aside from the steroid users that do it much quicker.

When you look at the scale, if at the end of the month you’ve done your body fat test and that either stayed the same or is dropping and you’re two pounds heavier, you’ve done really awesome, so don’t force feed yourself, just find a slight surplus from your daily needs, which there are a couple of free tools on the internet.


Ray Burton is a personal trainer and the author of an amazing new ebook that will teach you how to use bodyweight exercises to quickly burn fat, build functional muscle, and get in the best shape of your life - Need to get in better shape and do it in a hurry? "Commando Cardio" reveals the secrets for using only your bodyweight to strip off fat and build muscle... without spending a dime on equipment!

Click Here:


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Friday, July 2, 2010

How To Get Your Head In the

Weight Loss Game

So why do you want to lose weight in the 1st place? To improve your looks, your health, your self image, to win a bet, get a new job, impress old class mates at a reunion? The list of possibilities is virtually endless, but it comes down to and starts with this:

WHAT IS YOUR WHY? In other words why do you want to lose weight? Well that's a silly question - just about everyone in America wants to lose weight. Possibly.........but what is YOUR reason?

Why is 'the why' important? Because knowing the why is your whole motivation for doing this thing in the first place. It is what will keep you doing the right things in order to lose pounds - even when you don't fee like it. It is what will give you 'the will power' to resist temptation to cheat on your diet/exercise program.

That is also the reason that your 'why' must come from inside you! Not your spouse, parent, friend, or And it needs to be a clear and strong why, not some casual, spur of the moment idea.

Let me give you a personal example. My wife had been dropping hints about the fact that I needed to lose weight, and she tried to keep it as 'non-scolding' as she could - for a long time. It wasn't until one night when she started crying and telling me that I was basically turning into an invalid with high blood pressure, on my way to a heart attack and that she did not want me to die, that I finally did some soul searching.

Needless to say that time of soul searching produced a list of six solid reasons - my reasons for losing weight. And because they were and are MY reasons, they kept me motivated to stay on track - even when cobody else was around to see or check up on me.

So I started. My clothes got looser, and then began to actually fit instead of looking or feeling like I was squeezed into them. At that point when I would be tempted to re-visit a favorite Chinese buffet, I would see her with tears in her eyes, and I would recall what I wanted to look like. The combination of those two images were enough to keep me 'on the program'.

Let me ask you again. Why do you want to lose weight? If you really are over weight, you should be able to come up with at least 3 good 'whys'. What great things will happen when you succeed? What terrible things will happen if you don't? Get very clear on both.

Here is the deal...when your 'why' is big enough, the 'how' will follow. So here is to YOUR big why and your ultimate success.


Get free instant access to weight loss reviews and tips! Visit => http://reviewed-by- now


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Wednesday, June 30, 2010

The 2 Phase of South Beach Diet

You Should Know

The South Beach Diet has been getting a lot of attention lately in the health industry. For those of you who are unfamiliar with this diet, it has been proven to produce some pretty amazing results.

People that have tried the diet reported losing 8 to 15 pounds in the first two weeks. This claim in itself isn't much more than a lot of other diets claim, however the South Beach Diet's ability to train your body to keep the weight off is truly incredible.

So,what is the basic idea of this diet? The basic idea is to reduce the amount of bad carbohydrates and fats that you consume and replace them with fats and carbohydrates that are good for you.

The idea itself is really quite basic. The diet is split up into two phases that allow the body to slowly get use to this new diet that you are introducing.

This has proven to help reduce the amount of cravings you have for foods that are bad for you. This is the key to the diet and it's success for long term weight loss.

The First Phase:

The first phase of the diet typically lasts for two weeks and consists of three meals a day. The foods that you should be consuming during these three weeks consists of only chicken, fish, turkey, beef, shellfish, cheese, nuts, eggs, and vegetables.

You should also consume garden salad with these meals, however you should use only 100% olive oil as dressing. During this phase you will also start to cut certain foods out of your diet including breads, pasta, rice, potatoes, and sugary products of all kinds.

It is also really important to cut out beer and alcohol from your diet completely.

On top of the three meals a day, this diet also recommends to eat a snack in between each meal.

It also says you should consume dessert after dinner. Unlike other diets that deprive you of food all together.

This diet helps to get your body use to the amount of food that you will normally consume. The difference is that your body will become use to the foods that you eat during phase one.

After you have completed phase one you can start to begin phase two.

The Second Phase:

The second phase allows you to start to re-introduce some of the foods that you cut out during phase two. This is where the magic of phase one become apparent.

You will find that during phase 2 you will not eat nearly as much of the sugary foods that you were constantly craving prior to the diet. This will allow you to eat healthy foods until your body has no cravings for unhealthy foods.

The South Beach Diet can only work as much as you allow it to, this is important to remember.

If you don't have any self control during phase two, you should immediately resort back to phase one of the diet and continue that until you do not have cravings anymore.


For more free tips,advice and solution on how you could lose weight fast,please visit: http://www.FatLoss.EmpireInform


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Friday, June 25, 2010

Lose Weight with Vegetarian

Diet - Facts You Need to Know

Does vegetarian diet help you lose weight? Like many other diets out there, there's no guarantee that a certain diet will help you lose weight 100%, even vegetarian diet also. Why did I say that? Isn't vegetarian diet a commonly last resort for people to lose weight after they failed in other dieting attempts?

I'm a vegetarian and I lose weight successfully with eating a vegetarian diet, but I'm going to tell you that it all depends on what sort of vegetarian diet you're eating. Done right, you get the shape you want. Done wrong, you grow bigger in size. Period.

A vegetarian diet will help you lose weight effectively provided you cut down on your processed vegetarian food intake, or cut back on your toxin-laden meat consumption if you're still not 100% meat-free yet.

Usually those prepackaged foods are packed with sodium, sugar and bad saturated fat, and processed with lots of artificial chemical additives (can you remember those funny names on the label?), so eating too much of them impedes your blood circulation and causes metabolic disorder, which then results in weight gain.

That's why a "processed vegetarian" can't lose weight easily and gain weight instead. Have you seen an overweight vegetarian yet? Look yourself in the mirror, that's you! Ask yourself what you've eaten all this while, I'm willing to bet more of your food consumption comes from processed food.

If you're not fully meat-free yet, you're going to become even worse due to the toxins generated by dead animals when they got slaughtered. Ingesting those toxins will have some trapped in your fat tissues if your body can't fully purge them all out. That explains why a Standard American Diet (S.A.D.) loaded with meat creates so many obese.

So, a vegetarian diet does help you lose weight when you eat the right type of vegetarian food. Fruits, vegetables, wholegrains, nuts and seeds, legumes, seaweed etc - these are what you should eat more, if not in all.

I understand that it's difficult to stick to a vegetarian diet with all the whole natural foods as the ingredients unless you're working in the comfort of your own home. So, do your best to reduce your unhealthy food consumption to as minimal as possible. Don't try to do it over few days. Make the changes gradually and progress step by step until you totally grow sick of processed food. The key is, apply changes naturally.


Laura Ng invites you to grab your FREE vegetarian weight loss diet plan at now. When you apply her tried-and- true techniques in the diet plan, you'll break your weight loss plateau, lose your belly fat, improve your health and eliminate your overweight problems permanently, without side effects. Discover more proven tips on how to lose weight vegetarian at weight-vegetarian/ now.


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Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Protein Promotes Rapid Weight Loss

Protein Promotes Rapid Weight Loss

Protein Promotes Rapid Weight Loss
By Ian Robinson

Unleash The Secret Power In Your Eyes To See Again Without Reading Glasses. Try This Eye Doctor’s Discovery For Free – And See For Yourself.

Eye doctor Dr. Ray Gottlieb could be a genius. That’s certainly what people think once they learn his secret for sharpening reading vision without glasses.

Most doctors will tell you that reading glasses are an inevitable part of getting older, but thanks to Dr. Gottlieb’s discovery that doesn’t have to be the case for you and the millions of other people who suffer from presbyopia (“old eyes”).

Years ago, a frustrated patient begged Dr. Gottlieb for a way to get rid of his annoying reading glasses without having to resort to risky eye surgery.

The result?

Dr. Gottlieb researched everything he could find about aging eyes and re-discovered a vision secret that had been lost for nearly 150 years.

When he applied this vision secret to the problem of aging eyesight, his results were nothing short of magic. His patient’s eyesight sharpened dramatically!

The first time I saw him demonstrate this vision secret on a baby boomer, I was stunned!

Within minutes she was reading the finest print - without her reading glasses!

Lots of people are skeptical when they first hear about the promise of Dr. Gottlieb’s secret.

That’s why I want you to try it on your own eyes – for free.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

A matter of fat: Maximize, metabolize for successful weight loss

A matter of fat: Maximize, metabolize for successful weight loss

Hit a sticking point in your weight-loss efforts? Do you feel you are doing all the right things, eating better and just not making the progress you would like?

The American Red Cross

There are common culprits that might surprise you -- not eating enough and sometimes exercising too much on top of that. Yes, some people actually may need to eat more calories and exercise less in order to lose weight.

How could that be? Well, your body needs a set number of calories a day just for functions such as digestion and breathing. In other words, if you were to lie on the couch and do absolutely nothing all day, your body still would require a set amount of calories to keep itself going. This is called BMR, which stands for Basic Metabolic Rate.

My BMR is about 1,400. Your individual number is based largely on sex, age, weight and body composition -- mostly how much muscle you have because the more muscle you have the more calories you will burn, even at rest. Men typically have a higher BMR than women because of the muscle factor.

Since, (at least hopefully) you aren't just lying on the couch all day, you'll need to consume more calories than your BMR. Simple things like shopping, walking to the car, cleaning and chasing after your kids count, by the way. If you're hitting the gym, you'll, of course, need to take that into account.

See how the calorie requirements add up? Especially the more kids you have and the faster they are.

Cheryl Keaney is a personal trainer and fitness nutrition specialist. You can contact her through her Web site,

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Slow and steady: how to lose weight and keep it off

By Jane Harrison, R.D., Staff Nutritionist, myOptumHealth

By Jane Harrison, R.D., Staff Nutritionist, myOptumHealth

Your skirt is too tight. You can't zip your jeans. You don't even want to think about putting on a swimsuit. You look in the mirror and mutter about how you've got to lose weight.

Though there's enough dieting advice out there to fill a dozen refrigerators, be wary of programs that offer quick weight-loss solutions. Remember, modest goals and a slow course will increase your chances of both losing the weight and keeping it off.

Back to basics

If you are really serious about long-term weight loss, look to change habits, not slash calories and deprive yourself. Start with these tips:

* Maintain a sensible calorie intake. If you cut back too much, you will risk failure and lose muscle tissue - not fat. A one- to two-pound per week weight loss is optimal.
* Spread your calories evenly throughout the day. Do you eat as little as possible during the day so you can "save" calories for later? This approach almost always backfires. You'll find yourself raiding the kitchen in the late afternoon. On an 1,800-calorie meal plan, for instance, aim to have 300 to 500 calories at your meals. This leaves room for two snacks of 100 to 200 calories in between. Eat every three hours to keep hunger at bay.
* Combine food groups for best blood sugar control. This also helps keep you feeling satisfied and away from the cookie jar. Examples would be: one or two eggs with a whole-grain English muffin, salad with tuna and a little olive oil, hearty bean soup, oatmeal with a handful of walnuts, low-fat cottage cheese with almonds and sliced fruit.
* Eat high-fiber foods that are wholesome and satisfying. These will keep you full without breaking your calorie budget. Eat bean soups, lots of cooked vegetables, salads and whole grains (brown rice, barley, whole-grain breads and cereals). Also include some healthy fat in your meal plan, such as some avocado, nuts or olive oil.
* Keep a food journal. Write down everything that you eat and drink for at least three days, along with the time. Little things can add up. Are you drinking some of your calories that you are not aware of? Picking at leftovers? Going long periods without eating? Do you eat most of your calories in the latter part of the day? Are you getting enough healthy fat and protein? Are your carbohydrates coming from wholesome sources or are they refined (lots of white bread, pastas)?
* Be positive. Don't approach this with a diet mentality. You are changing your eating habits for health, weight control and quality of life. Feeding your body nutritious food is truly a gift you can give yourself.
* Exercise! If you want to trim down, you will need to include regular exercise in your life on most days of the week. Walk briskly, swim, bike - work up to anything that will get your body moving. To lose weight, aim to work in 60 to 90 minutes, five days a week. Working with light weights at least twice a week can help keep your muscles from wasting and your bones from shrinking. Always check first with your doctor before you increase your activity level.

Losing weight isn't just a matter of looking good but of staying healthy. Carrying extra pounds puts you at risk for developing many diseases, especially heart disease, stroke, diabetes and cancer.

View the original Slow and steady: how to lose weight and keep it off article on

Monday, June 14, 2010

Lose Weight Fast

Whether you realize it or not, you’re probably carrying at least 5-8 extra pounds of water weight that is unnecessary. Your body is retaining this water because you’re simply not drinking enough water. This makes the body think water is scarce. AND… for survival reasons, it will retain extra water as a safety mechanism.

The simple thing to do is add at least another 50 ounces of water to whatever it is you’re drinking each day. The effect this will have on the body is that it will almost instantly FLUSH out the retained water since now it thinks water is readily available. So there’s no need to have a safe supply of retained water hoarded in your body."

Saturday, June 12, 2010

The Scary Truth About Weight Loss and Activity Level

The Scary Truth About Weight Loss and Activity Level

Walking or taking a fitness class a few times a week may not be enough to help you lose weight.
by Martica Heaner, Ph.D., M.A., M.Ed.,

Q. I exercise four days a week and haven’t noticed any weight loss. I work from home part-time and at an office part-time. When I’m at home, I walk for at least 30 minutes in my neighborhood. On the days that I’m at my office, I take a fitness class such as Pilates or body sculpting. I eat pretty well, but I can’t seem to lose weight. What am I doing wrong?

A. Perception is not always reality, and that’s often the case when it comes to determining how active we are or how much we eat. The tendency to over-report exercise and under-report food intake can dramatically skew the results from an exercise or diet program. This is such a problem that researchers who study diet and exercise troubleshoot to find ways to ensure that study participants adhere to the prescribed diet or amount of exercise. For example, they’ll often monitor the participants’ activity or food intake in several ways to ensure that the reports match, and they might give regular reminder calls and/or e-mails to ensure that the subjects are not skipping workout days. In some carefully controlled studies, they’ll even go so far as to collect and weigh uneaten food so they will know exactly how much was consumed.

You exercise more but get lazier

On top of the under- and over-reporting tendency, there’s a phenomenon of psychological compensation. Some people who exercise give themselves a “reward” and become more sluggish during their nonexercise time, or they have an extra few helpings of food or a dessert, rationalizing that they can do so because they exercised.

Doing enough exercise usually works

If you’re doing a whole lot of exercise, eating a little more or moving a little less probably won’t counteract the large calorie burn you may have accrued. So, if you’re working out every day, and your workouts are long or intense forms of cardio such as running for an hour or walking or cycling for two, you may burn an extra 500 or 600 calories. Unless you are eating a lot of junk food, you might still eat a little more, but it wouldn’t be that easy to eat up the extra that you burned off.

This is why the current consensus of all evidence-based guidelines for physical activity state that, to manage body weight, a person needs at least 60 to 90 minutes of moderate to vigorous physical activity every day. Less than that is good for you, but it probably won’t affect your weight very much. (If this sounds like an impossible amount, keep in mind that it’s our modern environment that makes us so sedentary. In rural or nonmodern societies, humans move constantly when they work.)

Minimal amounts of exercise may not make a dent in your weight

If you’re doing the minimum amounts of activity—such as a 30-minute walk or a low-calorie-burning workout like Pilates—then even though the exercise is undoubtedly good for your health, it may not have a big impact on your energy balance.

This seems counterintuitive; if you burn more calories through exercise, that should lead to weight loss. Technically speaking, it will. Burning any extra calories will lead to weight loss, but the fewer you burn per session, per week, per month, the longer it will take to see measurable results. And that’s assuming that everything else in your life is held constant—you don’t eat more or move less. So, if you burn only 150 to 200 calories from a workout session and you do this only a few times per week, it’s easy to erase (or surpass) the energy deficit you created with an extra glass of wine or two, a candy bar or an extra hour spent watching TV.

How active you really are

An important variable to factor in on top of how much exercise you get in, is how “active” you are all day. Your daily physical activity can trump your exercise routine. Do you sit for eight hours nonstop, or do you take stairs every hour and get up out of your chair every few minutes? Do you stand more than you sit?

You mention that you work from home. If you are mostly at a computer and if you don’t leave your house except for an occasional half-hour stroll, chances are that you are very inactive—more than you might think. So your walk may simply be bringing you up to some minimal level of overall daily activity, and not adding the big boost of extra activity that you might assume.

An office job tends to be sedentary, and some more so than others. Of course, getting to work may get you up and moving a bit, especially if you walk to and from parking spaces or public transportation. One reason why people in New York City tend to be less obese than the rest of America is because walking is part of daily function. It’s nearly impossible not to walk for at least 15 to 30 minutes a day to get to the subway or to run errands.

Likewise, how much people eat can vary. If you work at home, you may have easier access to food. A few extra crackers or cookies here and there can toss in a few hundred more calories, which can hamper weight loss or lead to weight gain even if your main meals are healthy.

Friday, June 11, 2010

Weight loss - health gain

Weight loss - health gain

Written by Michael Lord

Weight loss – health gain

BEING OVERWEIGHT or obese can cause serious health problems and is associated with several diseases, including cardiovascular disease; type 2 diabetes; high blood pressure; raised cholesterol levels; osteoarthritis; gallstones; breathing problems and some cancers.

To determine whether your weight is healthy, calculate your Body Mass Index (BMI) by dividing your weight in kilos by your height squared in metres:


Height (m) x Height (m)

Below 18.5 Underweight
18.5 - 24.9 NORMAL WEIGHT
25 - 29.9 Overweight
30 -34.9 Obese (Class I)
35 -39.9 Severely obese (Class II)
Above 40 Morbidly obese (Class III)

BMI can give an indication of whether your weight is healthy, but it is not foolproof. Some people with a normal BMI can still have an unhealthy weight if their body fat is distributed predominantly around their middle. Weight loss is desirable if waist measurements in men are 102cm (40in) or more and 88cm (35in) in women or more (a dress size of 18 is equivalent to a waist measurement of 89cm). Conversely, some athletes and sportsmen can have BMI's well in excess of 30, but are completely healthy; the high figure is a result of low body fat and more muscle.

If your BMI or waist measurement is above healthy levels you should seriously consider losing weight. Not only will this reduce your risks of developing disease, you will also have more energy and feel great!

Once you are motivated to lose excess weight, aim to shed ½ to 1 kilo per week, over a 2 - 3 month period. Crash diets do not generally work; they often put the body into ‘starvation’ mode, making weight loss difficult and uncomfortable. A reduced calorie diet is imperative, making changes to your diet to:

• Cut down on fat and sugar, replacing them with fruit, vegetables and starchy carbohydrates
• Reduce portion sizes and DON'T snack
• Reduce alcohol (alcohol = 7 calories per gram, compared to 9 calories per gram for fat)
• Beware of hidden sugars and fats in soft drinks and processed foods

Try to find new, ‘healthy’ recipes that you can use during your diet AND afterwards. Aim to change your lifestyle and diet permanently. That way you'll remain at your chosen weight when the diet ends. To maintain your new weight, you must reduce calorie intake by 30cal PER kilo lost PER day, or maintain an exercise regime to burn off this amount of calories.

General health advice recommends exercise is taken for at least 30 minutes, five times each week and during weight loss this should be doubled at least. Try using the stairs instead of lifts, walk or cycle to the shops, take up swimming or another sport you enjoy.

Remember, most health benefits come from losing the first 5-10% of body weight, generally between 5 & 10kgs.

Need help to lose weight? There are a number of products available to help with weight loss, the common ones are:

Orlistat (Xenical®): Reduces the absorption of dietary fat from the gut, is effective, but can produce side effects such as bloating, fatty stools, faecal urgency especially with high fat meals. It can interact with other drugs. Now available from pharmacies as Alli®

Zotrim Herbal: Contains extracts of three South American plants and has a dual mode of action: Satiety booster helps to increase the feeling of fullness and an energy booster helps users to be more active and to burn off more calories than usual. Zotrim Herbal was recently ranked as the best weight loss product available over the counter, achieving 5% body weight loss in 6 weeks.

Adios Herbal: Contains a natural product called fucus which is claimed to speed up the metabolism: in essence it burns fat. It is available in standard and MAX strength.

Valupak weight loss programme: Contains L-Carnitine which is involved in the metabolism (break down) of fat.

Sibutramine (Reductil®): This drug has now been withdrawn in Europe due to increased risks of heart attack and stroke in users.

Zotrim, Adios & Valupak are now available at Health & Beauty Abroad, Playa Flamenca.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

HCG Diet Direct Cites Research Connecting Hypertension and Healthy Weight Loss

HCG Diet Direct Cites Research Connecting Hypertension and Healthy Weight Loss

HCG Diet Direct cites research connecting hypertension and obesity. The solution for both is the same: healthy weight loss.
Obesity has many negative health consequences. Hypertension is just one of them. This research suggests that the drastically rising number of hypertension cases in America are not a separate issue, but that the hypertension epidemic could be a result of the obesity epidemic; they are not separate the two epidemics are one and the same.

Phoenix, AZ (Vocus/PRWEB ) June 8, 2010 -- HCG Diet Direct cites research from the American Journal of Physiology-Regulatory, Integrative and Comparative Physiology connecting hypertension and obesity. Researchers in the field indicate that rather than being two separate epidemics that they are actually one. The link between hypertension and obesity is accepted, but the exact link has not yet been clearly identified. Although the solution to both appears the same: healthy weight loss.

HCG Diet Direct
HCG Diet Direct

According to research presented by the American Journal of Physiology-Regulatory, Integrative and Comparative Physiology obesity is a major cause of hypertension among several other major illnesses/diseases. The research also concluded that sympathetic nervous system activation and renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system activation play an important role in the cause and development of obesity hypertension.

Dr. J. Ronald Willis of HCG Diet Direct said, “Obesity has many negative health consequences. Hypertension is just one of them. This research suggests that the drastically rising number of hypertension cases in America are not a separate issue, but that the hypertension epidemic could be a result of the obesity epidemic; they are not separate the two epidemics are one and the same.”

Other conclusions presented by the research team included:

1. The continuing problem of obesity and weight gain in American shows no sign of abating.
2. Obesity is a major cause of: hypertension, rising blood pressure and associated illnesses.
3. Researchers believe the studies support the belief that the enlarged abdomen (a result of visceral fat) increases the risk for the development of hypertension.
4. Abnormal distribution of fat may contribute to the development of rising blood pressure and the associated illnesses and diseases.
5. The study concluded that the most effective treatment for obesity hypertension is healthy weight loss and life style changes.

Homeopathic HCG weight loss formula is an all-natural weight loss diet that can be used to achieve drastic healthy weight loss without invasive procedures. The HCG drops are taken three times daily and paired with a careful eating plan. The results of the standard 26-30 day healthy weight loss diet can provide an average of 1 to 2 pounds of healthy weight loss per day.

To get further information on HCG Diet Direct or the HCG Diet contact:

Contact: Dr. J. Ronald Willis
Company: HCG Diet Direct
Phone: 602-916-0002

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Why Some Patients Fail After Obesity Surgery

Why Some Patients Fail After Obesity Surgery. Weight Loss Surgery Specialists Cosmetic Bliss Now Extend Post-Op Support Beyond 2 Years to Help Their Patients Succeed.

Michael Dermody of Cosmetic Bliss - specialist provider of Weight Loss Surgery and Support states the reasons why some patients who undergo surgery are unable to maintain weight loss after the procedure, and explains why better patient preparation, adequate psychological assessment and the company’s extension of post-operative support to a minimum of 2 years is the answer to improving long term outcomes.

Launceston, United Kingdom, January 28, 2010 --( Bariatric Surgery is accepted as the most effective cure for Morbid Obesity.

Surgery is performed to restrict the volume of food which can be eaten, as in the case of procedures such as Gastric banding (the Lap-Band) or Sleeve Gastrectomy (the “Gastric Sleeve”) or to both restrict intake and limit the ability to absorb nutrients by surgically shortening the small intestine (a technique called “malabsorption”) which is the purpose of the various Gastric Bypass procedures.

After surgery some patients still can’t seem to lose significant weight or can’t maintain the weight loss they achieved in the first months after the operation.
Usually failure is due to a combination of overeating - grazing on food throughout the day, eating a diet too rich in calories (chocolate, high fat food, sugary drinks, alcohol) and not increasing energy output through reasonable exercise.

Cosmetic Bliss, stresses the need for thorough preparation for surgery, psychological pre-operative assessment and on-going support after surgery. They announce an extension of post-op support to a minimum of 2years. This support is even offered to patients who opt for the Intragastric Balloon, a temporary (6 month) implantation designed to “kick-start” weight loss.

Michael Dermody of Cosmetic Bliss said "We prepare patients for Weight Loss Surgery, accompany them and take them through the operation with our support at our partner hospital in Breclav in the Czech Republic. Surgery is performed by Dr Michal Cierny Ph.D, a leading Bariatric Surgeon and advocate of Sleeve Gastrectomy.

A multi-disciplinary team, including a psychologist specialising in obesity work together to ensure surgery is safely carried out and the patient is likely to be capable of succeeding in long term sustained weight loss.

We are committed to supporting and advising our patients in the months and years after surgery –this is so important that we now offer to support our patients after surgery as long as they need us – at least 2 years."

He added: “Patients need to have some coping strategies in place to help them adjust their relationship with eating.

Surgery is no Magic Wand – weight loss after surgery requires effort and commitment, and it is certainly not the easy option.

If the patient wasn’t able to sustain weight loss before surgery due to comfort eating or a failure mentality, we try to help them make changes in the way they look at life to allow them to break this vicious circle

Too often, patients aren’t encouraged to examine the reasons for their weight problems and they decide on surgery without enough information or preparation, and unrealistic expectations of what surgery will do for them.

Surgery’s aim is to achieve long-term sustained weight loss.

It’s very disappointing and damaging to the health and self esteem of the patient to fail and a waste of the investment they have made in time, money and the discomfort of going through an operation.

It is the duty of all those who advise on and facilitate surgery to try to ensure this does not happen."

“Our patients have a very high success rate for long term weight loss. Success is not inevitable or guaranteed, but it starts with us being absolutely frank and honest about what surgery is, what it can and can’t do and what the patient must do to make it successful.

By giving long-term post-op support and helping patients prepare for surgery and come to it with their eyes open they provide a very good start for a long, but ultimately very rewarding journey.

All information on Cosmetic Bliss Weight Loss Surgery Solutions can be found at

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Exercise is NOT the Key to Weight Loss | Natural Health

by Jon Herring

In the last 20 years, the number of overweight children and adolescents has tripled. Adults have fared just as poorly. Currently more than two thirds – almost 70% – of Americans are considered overweight or obese.

But it has very little to do with how much or the types of food we put in our mouths. That is, if you listen to the candy and snack food manufacturers, beverage companies, processed food industry and the fast food restaurants. According to these groups, the reasons why we are so fat are because we are just lazy and sedentary. We don’t exercise enough.

I won’t argue that most of us should be more active. But that is NOT the reason we are so fat. In fact, studies show that exercise is quite ineffective when it comes to weight loss. But more on that in a moment…

This week, I watched the documentary Killer at Large: Why Obesity is America’s Greatest Threat. In one segment, the filmmakers highlight the government’s efforts in 2007 to address the obesity crisis. President Bush, various legislators and the Department of Health and Human Services were all involved in drafting the government’s statements and recommendations.

But rather than viewing this as an opportunity to improve the nation’s health, the food industry saw it as a threat to their business. They were concerned that the government might recommend eating less processed junk food (Gasp!). So they mobilized their full army of lobbyists to shape the government’s message to their benefit.

The documentary showed clips of their various statements and speeches. Invariably, they denied that the obesity crisis has anything to do with the foods and beverages they market. There is nothing wrong with their foods. The problem is that we are not as active as we should be. Not surprisingly, the government soon adopted the same platform.
Get up and play
And they chose the lovable green ogre, Shrek, to deliver the message. You might remember the public service ads paid for by the U.S. Department of Health where Shrek tells kids to, “Get up and play an hour a day.”

But that’s not the only promotional work Shrek was doing that year…

You could also see his lovable ugly mug on packages of Snickers, Skittles, Froot Loops, Pop-Tarts and M&Ms. McDonald’s put his image on their restaurant windows and food bags. Cheetos made a snack that would turn your mouth green. And the Shrek version of Twinkies had a bright green filling.

The obvious message is that all of these foods are fun and fine. Just be sure to get some exercise.

It is no surprise the food companies would broadcast this message. And frankly, it is no surprise that the government played right along. It is just more evidence that the institutions of government have been captured by the industries they are mandated to regulate.

But that is not the only thing wrong with this message…

First of all, studies have shown that physical activity has NOT declined significantly in the last thirty years. We may sit in front of the computer more today, but before that it was the television. And the numbers of people who have gym memberships and participate in workout programs are near all-time highs. Other studies have shown that increased food energy is more than sufficient to explain the U.S. epidemic of obesity. (For references, see the end of this article.)

Beyond that, the role of exercise in weight loss has been wildly overstated. In fact, studies clearly show that exercise is quite ineffective when it comes to weight loss. But it’s even worse than that. If you exercise the way most weight loss specialists, government agencies and medical organizations tell you to, you will probably GAIN weight!

The typical recommendation from these organizations is what I call chronic cardio. For example, in 2007 the American College of Sports Medicine and the American Heart Association issued a joint statement recommending “60 to 90 minutes of physical activity” for weight loss. And they did not mean per week… that was per day!

In this article, I will tell you why exercise is not the key to weight loss. And I will show you why the wrong kind of exercise (chronic cardio) will actually undermine your weight loss efforts. But before I do, I want to make something clear…

I am a strong advocate for exercise. The health and emotional benefits of regular exercise are undeniable. Countless studies show that exercise (even low-level exercise) will dramatically reduce your risk of cancer, heart disease and diabetes. It helps to alleviate chronic pain. It will improve your mental health and cognitive ability. It improves your energy, stamina and longevity. And the list goes on. So you SHOULD exercise.

Just don’t expect it to work wonders when it comes to fat loss…

The problem with long-duration cardio, in particular, is that while it burns calories, it can also make you ravenously hungry. And not only does cardio exercise make us hungrier. It also makes us feel as if we are entitled to make bad food choices. I can’t tell you how many times I have heard someone say, “Well, I deserve this [insert decadent dessert here]. I worked out today.”

Studies clearly show that people who exercise more tend to eat more.

One study of 538 students, published in the International Journal of Obesity found that when kids start to exercise, they eat more – an average of 100 calories more than they burned during exercise. Talk about getting “stuck on a treadmill.”

The problem is that it can take only minutes to consume far more calories than you burn during exercise. It takes about 5 minutes to eat a few slices of pizza and wash it down with a tall glass of coke, for example. That’s about 1,000 calories. Now consider what it would take to burn off those calories.

Read more at:

Saturday, January 30, 2010

EXCLUSIVE: Julie Bowen’s Weight-Loss Secret – Breastfeeding!

We can’t say this trick exactly works for EVERYONE, but don’t worry – Julie has other tips on how to stay skinny up her sleeve

Julie Bowen looks so damn fabulous lately that – quite naturally – we wanted to know her secrets at staying so svelte.

The 39-year-old Modern Family star happily obliged – but not all of her tricks work for the masses – unless you’ve just had a baby, that is.

“[I lose weight by drinking] endless cups of coffee followed by endless series of breast-feedings, which apparently burn a lot of calories,” Julie laughed at the Producers Guild Awards in Los Angeles Jan. 24.

But feeding her 8-month-old twins John and Gus isn’t Julie’s only diet trick, oh no!

“I wish I could say something terribly exciting, like having sex while doing crunches, but that would be a lie, and a lot of work!” she giggled. “My twins are huge and I carry them around. One is 20 lbs. and one is 17 lbs. – that is about my only workout.”

Workouts aside, Julie seems to eat what she wants. “I eat a lot of salad, a lot of protein bars…but I love anything salty or crunchy,” she confided. “I like pretzels, graham crackers and nuts. I love nuts.”

One thing the actress is forced to stay away from – sadly – is chocolate. “I haven’t eaten dessert in so long,” she lamented. “They don’t let you eat dessert when they give you your SAG card. They take it away from you and say, ‘You don’t need this anymore, no more chocolate.’”

Sounds like a raw deal to us — but then again, we don’t have Julie’s fabulous figure. Ah well. Guess if you can’t beat ‘em or join ‘em — then indulge in what they can’t have. On that note, isn’t it about time for our daily Snickers fix?

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Fast Weight Loss Product- How About Melting 2200 Calories A Day

Before, I get into the sensational belly fat burner; let me give you brief insight into calories. When it comes to weight loss, calories are probably the most over used word. Every thing you read or listen about weight loss is associated with Calories

Ok, let me define calories for you. To put in layman terms, it is the measure of energy in any food. It provides the necessary fuel to run the body. If this energy is not properly utilised, most often or not, it leads to weight gain. Now, you must be getting an insight, as to how food plays an important role in Weight Loss or Weight Gain.

It is quite interesting to know that one pound equates to 3500 calories. So in summary, let us say you want to lose 5 pounds. Then you have to lose 17500 calories. On the face of it, numbers are quite staggering, but they are easily achievable with balanced food habits.

Now, we are all set to talk about this extraordinary dieting system. This system revolves around calorie shifting method. Do not worry; you will get to eat food, containing carbohydrates, protein and fat.

It is quite fascinating to know that, body burns the same number of calories, you intake unless forced by any other external factors. This is the reason why most of the Low Calorie diets do not work. Let us say, your average requirement is 2500 calories. Now, you have decided to cut it down to 1500 calories. So, now what happens, your body detects this change and starts burning only 1500 calories instead of 2500.

To overcome this hindrance, system has been beautifully designed to burn those extra calories, which you always wanted. Here, in this system, calories intake varies from a day-to-day basis; this confuses the body and ultimately starts burning those extra calories and the fat tissue, which make up your extra weight.

Following this diet, a minimum of 5 pounds or 17500 calories will be flushed out of your system in period of seven to nine days. The best is yet to come, about this diet. You can use this dieting system repeatedly to achieve your weight loss targets.

The only limitation, which I find with the system, is that it gives you a limited choice of foods. You have all the basic food, but it is not a food gourmet fantasy. Over a period, the process could become monotonous. However, when compared to other dieting system, it scores way above the others because of two major reasons. The results are very fast and you never have to starve. I will rank this system on a scale of one to ten as eight.

Monday, January 25, 2010

Talking Plate Curbs Obesity

The World Health Organization reports that there are more than a billion people worldwide who are overweight, more than 300 million of whom are considered obese and these figures should be compared to the 800 million who do not have enough to eat.

In an effort to help overweight individuals, Swedish scientists at the Karolinska Institute have created a talking plate that helps users eat a bit slower and monitor their food intake via encouraging suggestions and reminders.

Called the Mandometer, the computer-linked electronic plate weighs food and then chides users if they eat too quickly. The Mandometer contains a scale that weighs the plate contents and compares it to a computer graph showing the ideal rate of food consumption. Eating too quickly triggers the computer to request the individual to slow down.

The Mandometer was used in a study with 106 obese adolescents at the Bristol Royal Hospital for Children and the University of Bristol. Results were promising as the Mandometer group had lower average body mass index and a lower body fat score than the non-Mandometer group. All study participants were also encouraged to eat a balanced diet and to increase exercise to 60 minutes a day.

The study was published online in the British Medical Journal (BMJ).


Saturday, January 23, 2010

A Natural Weight Loss Program To Bring You Health And Happiness

Two of the most important things people wish to have are health and happiness. Self-improvement is a major way to optimise both. The old saying is, ”If you have your health, you have everything” because the ability and motivation to do almost everything depends on feeling well. Medical experts agree that a major key to good health is maintaining your proper weight. Also, in this image conscious world, looking fit and trim, which may mean weight loss, is a key to feeling good about yourself and earning the respect of the people in your life.

Weight loss may be difficult but can yield amazing benefits. There are many different facets to weight loss including calorie intake, amount of exercise, and proper hydration, but one factor is often overlooked. If you are constipated, even if you do everything else right, you will not be making the optimal use of your efforts. Keeping your digestive system regular will help the pounds cut off. You can also avoid feeling bloated and uncomfortable.

What can you do to optimise this weight loss tool? Eating plenty of fiber, dealing properly with stress, and drinking lots of water allows your digestive system to function properly. When waste products do not move quickly through the intestines, a person’s susceptibility to illnesses increases. Colon cancer, irritable bowl syndrome, Crohn’s disease, and diverticulitis are just a few diseases of the bowel that are associated with constipation. In addition, the poisons and parasites found in human waste can negatively affect your health.

Constipation occurs when waste stays in the large intestine too long. Too much water absorbing from it, causes the focal matter to become hard and difficult to pass. Eating fruits, vegetables, and grains (which contain fiber) helps in maintaining proper elimination; eating highly processed foods such as pizza and ice cream does not. Drinks containing caffeine and alcohol can lead to dehydration, a cause of constipation, along with certain medicines and supplements such as calcium, iron, antidepressants, and diuretics, preventing weight loss. The good news is that there are many high fiber supplements that, when added to your diet, can help keep things moving.

Another way to encourage proper weight-loss is to exercise daily. Focus on keeping your body moving. When sitting at the computer, perhaps you can put on ankle weights and stretch your legs. When you are in a meeting, you can tighten and relax your stomach muscles. (No one will know you are losing weight while you are sitting there.) Try to set aside twenty minutes a day for some vigorous activity like running or weight lifting.

Do you listen to your body? When you first feel the need to use the restroom, go and do so. Don’t think of this as wasted time. What comes out of your body is as important as what goes in. Try to relax, breathe deeply or read, but give your body the time it needs to do its job. This is time invested in your health. Be thankful that all sorts of germs, toxins and parasites are being eliminated. As strange as it sounds, this is a form of self-improvement and a major factor in weight loss.

Do you want a successful life? The daily choices you make affect your health and happiness. Small changes can make a dramatic difference in your plan for self-improvement. Focus on creating new habits, such as eating an apple a day or walking when you talk on the phone. Consider using a natural herbal colon-cleansing product. A healthy intestine helps create a healthy body and optimises your chances for weight loss and happiness.

T S Gill is a researcher whose main focus is to help people in solving their health problems. If you wish to know more how to lose weight naturally please visit:

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Lee Memorial Health System Bariatric Center Offers Personalized Approach to Weight Loss

Obesity is a growing problem in the United States and more specifically, in Florida. According to the most recent data available from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, approximately 24.4 percent of Florida’s population was classified as obese in 2007. Lee County’s population, scored higher at 25.4 percent.

As obesity has become a deeper and more widespread condition, the number of people undergoing weight loss surgery has also grown dramatically over the past few years. The American Society for Metabolic & Bariatric Surgery reports that 220,000 Americans had some form of bariatric, or weight loss, surgery in 2008. The most common procedures nationwide are gastric banding and gastric bypass, and a newer procedure known as a sleeve gastrectomy is also growing in popularity. People considering bariatric surgery may have heard about all of these options, but they may not realize that one of the nation’s most experienced surgeons practices right here in Southwest Florida at Lee Memorial Health System’s Bariatric Center.

Moses Shieh, D.O., FACOS, leads LMHS’ holistic bariatric and weight management practice, which includes surgery, ongoing support groups and activities, revisional surgery and post-weight loss body contouring. “Bariatric surgery isn’t a ‘magic bullet’ for massive weight loss,” Dr. Shieh says. “Rather, it can be the first step, combined with ongoing support and lifestyle changes such as exercise and diet, to help patients lose weight and live healthier lives.”

The first step in determining whether or not you are a candidate for bariatric surgery is determining your body mass index. To determine yours, multiply your weight in pounds by 703. Divide that answer by your height in inches. Divide that answer by your height in inches again. Generally, patients with a body mass index of 40 or higher are candidates, but those with a body mass index of at least 35 may be considered if they also have an obesity-related disease such as Type II diabetes or sleep apnea.

Once it is determined that you are a candidate, several pieces of the LMHS program fit together to meet your needs. All patient plans include one-on-one meetings with a dietician, program coordinator and Dr. Shieh, as well as ongoing support groups. However, the procedures, and potential additional support tools such as the online support program through gastric band maker Realize®, will vary. Bariatric procedures offered in the LMHS program include the following:
• Gastric banding with LAP-BAND® or Realize® band: An adjustable, silicon band is placed around the top of the stomach, forming a small pouch at the top. As you eat, the pouch fills quickly and food is passed through the rest of the stomach and digestive process slowly. This creates a feeling of fullness, and patients are not able to eat the same amount of food.
• Gastric bypass: This procedure surgically staples off most of the stomach, except for a small pouch at the top. The small intestine is connected directly to this pouch, so a large portion of the stomach and portion of the small intestine is bypassed. This reduces both the amount of food patients can eat, as well as reduces the amount of calories and nutrients the body absorbs.
• Sleeve gastrectomy: Most of the stomach is removed, leaving a banana-shaped sleeve that can hold approximately 15 percent of the food the full stomach held. The removed portion of the stomach is responsible for secreting a hormone that causes hunger, so while patients are not able to eat as much as they formerly did, they also don’t get as hungry.
“All aspects of our program, from the surgery itself to the follow up support groups, are done locally,” Dr. Shieh says. “Most surgeries are performed at Lee Memorial Hospital and support group sessions are held at both Lee Memorial Hospital and Cape Coral Hospital. We are also working on expanding our presence and offerings in the Bonita Springs area.”

People interested in learning more about bariatric surgery and LMHS’ weight loss program can do so at one of several upcoming complimentary educational seminars. Seating is limited, so reservations are requested. Please call 239-343-9966 to reserve your spot.

Thursday, Jan. 21
6:30 – 8:30 p.m.
Lee Memorial Hospital

Tuesday, Jan. 26
Part of Lee Memorial Health System’s Well Informed Lecture Series
5 – 6:30 p.m.
Hyatt Place Coconut Point, Estero

Thursday, Feb. 18
6:30 – 8:30 p.m.
Cape Coral Hospital

About Moses Shieh, D.O., FACOS
Moses Shieh, D.O., FACOS, is one of the area’s most experienced bariatric surgeons and was one of the first in the nation to perform the sleeve gastrectomy procedure. He earned his medical degree from Des Moines University in Iowa and completed his residency at Mount Clemens Regional Medical Center, an affiliate of Michigan State University. He completed fellowships in laparoscopic bariatric surgery with Northeast Surgical Group – Great Lakes Bariatric Treatment Center and in cosmetic surgery through the American Academy of Cosmetic Surgery. He is board certified in general surgery and board eligible in cosmetic surgery. More information on Dr. Shieh and Lee Memorial Health System’s bariatric program can be found online at

About Lee Memorial Health System
Open since 1916, Lee Memorial Health System is the fifth largest public health system in the United States and the largest community-owned health system in Southwest Florida. With more than 9,000 employees, LMHS is made up of four acute care hospitals and two specialty hospitals, as well as outpatient centers, walk-in medical centers and primary care physician offices. An award-winning health care system, LMHS provides regional programs, such as our Trauma Center and Children’s Hospital, which serve our community members from Tampa to Miami. Visit for more information.

Sidebar info:
What is body mass index?*

Body mass index, or BMI, is a common measure to determine body fat. To determine yours, multiply your weight in pounds by 703. Divide that answer by your height in inches. Divide that answer by your height in inches again.

Find calculators and more information online at or
*Calculation Source: National Library of Medicine

Obesity classifications
Overweight: 25 – 29.9 BMI
Obese (Class I): 30 – 34.9 BMI
Obese (Class II): 35 – 39.9 BMI
Morbidly obese: 40 or higher BMI

2007 Obesity Rates*
Florida: 24.4 percent
Lee County: 25.4 percent
Collier County: 21.5 percent

Thursday, January 7, 2010

How to lose weight without doing damage to your body?

By Darja Kuznecova

RIGA - After the long holidays our body is tired from the great variety of tasty dishes we ate. Some of these calorie-full dishes added several kilograms to our normal weight. How can we lose these unexpected kilograms and bring our system back to a normal work regime, without damage? We will tell you in this article.
Despite how it seems, losing weight isn’t a mysterious process. It’s a simple matter of burning more calories than you eat. But, if it were really that simple, none of us would have a weight problem, would we? Weight loss can be such a struggle that we start thinking we have to do something drastic to see results - diets, pills or those weird fitness gadgets on infomercials that promise instant success. The true secret to weight loss is this: Make small changes each and every day and you’ll slowly lose those extra kilograms. The key is to forget about instant results and settle in for the long run.

Rules of Weight Loss

To lose one kilogram of fat, you must burn approximately 3,500 calories over and above what you already burn doing daily activities. That sounds like a lot of calories and you certainly wouldn’t want to try to burn 3,500 calories in one day. However, by taking it step-by-step, you can determine just what you need to do each day to burn or cut out those extra calories. Below is a step by step process for getting started.

1. First of all calculate your BMR (basal metabolic rate). You can find modern BMR calculators on the Internet. Your BMR is what your body needs to maintain normal functions, like breathing and digestion. This is the minimum number of calories you need to eat each day. Keep in mind that no calculator will be 100 percent accurate, so you may need to adjust these numbers as you go along.

2. Calculate your activity level. Use a calorie calculator to figure out how many calories you burn while sitting, standing, exercising, lifting weights, etc., throughout the day. It helps to keep a daily activity journal, or you could even wear a heart rate monitor that calculates calories burned.

3. Write down how many calories you eat per day. You can use Internet sites to count calories. It is popular to use a food journal to write down what you eat and drink each day. Be as accurate as possible, measuring when you need to, or looking up nutritional information for restaurants, if you eat out.

4. Add it up. Take your BMR number, add your activity calories and then subtract your food calories from that total. If you’re eating more than you’re burning (your BMR + activity is 2,000 and you’re eating 2,400 calories), you’ll gain weight. If you’re burning more than you eat, you’ll lose weight.

Mary’s BMR is 1,400 calories and she burns 900 calories in daily activity with regular exercise, walking around and doing household chores. To maintain her weight, she should be eating 2,300 calories but, after keeping a food journal, Mary finds that she’s eating 2,550 calories every day. By eating 250 more calories than her body needs, Mary will gain 500 grams every 2 weeks.

This example shows how easy it is to gain weight without even knowing it. However, it’s also easy to lose weight, even if the process itself can be slow. You can start by making small changes in your diet and activity levels and immediately start burning more calories than you’re eating. If you can find a way to burn an extra 200 to 500 calories each day with both exercise and diet, you’re headed in the right direction.

TIPS for weight loss

Many people who want to lose weight find it difficult to know which foods to choose for the best weight loss results. Losing weight by swapping and changing to different diets is not the best way; we need to find a way of reducing energy content from the normal foods we eat every day. We need to learn certain food rules to help form better eating habits.
We should learn to pick out the best foods from our normal daily diet and use them to form the basis for our new healthy eating habits. This gives familiarity to the new way of eating rather than the idea that the individual is “on a diet.” Trying to lose weight on a specific diet relays the message that it will end some day. When a diet ends, many people gain back most, if not all, of the weight lost.

Try not to have too much variety of food with each meal. Evidence has shown that humans always consume more food and calories when there is more choice on offer. For example, have you ever been at a buffet style meal where it’s “eat all you can,” and no matter how much we eat, there always seems to be room for one more item - maybe that delicious looking dessert or ice cream!

Be careful what you add to healthy foods. Salads are one of the best foods for losing weight; they are very popular for many dieters trying to lose the weight fast. The problem is people often add sauces or creams to add taste to an otherwise bland food. Mayonnaise is a common addition to salads but it is very high in calories and fat and a salad with too much mayonnaise can be just as high in calories as some of the worst weight loss foods.

Baked potatoes are also a great food to help lose weight when part of a small, low calorie meal, but again, some people spoil this great example by adding tons of butter. Filling a baked potato with baked beans or cottage cheese is probably the best way to add taste and more nutrition to this low calorie food. The idea is when choosing the best foods to help lose weight, try not to neutralize the food’s possible weight loss benefits; be careful with what you add!

Eat a little high quality protein food with each meal or snack. Adding protein to each meal, along with the idea of eating more meals in a day, may be difficult to keep calories low enough to lose weight. This idea means adding another “choice,” plus protein foods are often high in calories. To combat this problem some people combine protein foods, combining certain plant foods which can help lose weight because they are usually low in calories, high in fiber and it limits the choice of foods within each meal, as only two types of plant foods need to be combined.

In the morning it’s more preferable to eat a high protein meal, because if you eat cornflakes or cereal, your stomach will finish this meal very soon and you will become hungry very soon again. Specialists advise to snack with muesli during the day. You can combine cereal with fruit. Try not to use yogurt with cereal; change it to natural kefir, instead.
Don’t eat fruit, meat or a high protein meal after 6 p.m. More preferable is to eat vegetables and drink a glass of milk before going to sleep."